Sunday, August 20, 2006
Screaming bitches...
ALoHa!!Went out with Darrick, Jennifer, Zheng, and Yuanyan on Friday. Dinner at Pastamania and Zheng saw this cute guy sitting opposite us. LOL.. This girl.. She looked at me, pointed a small finger at the guy and gave me a thumbs up. Haha! She liked the guy in black but the guy that was checking her out was the guy in grey. hahaha.. The grey guy looked like the guy from CLEO though.. I think it was Nicholas Tay. I dunno.. I remember Nicholas Tay coz he had the same name as the other Nicholas.. Hahaha!!!So Zheng ordered this banana dessert. I forgot its exact name, but it was rocking delicious!! Yummy!!!!!!! It's a banana pizza thingy with chocolate frosting.. *slurps*Anyways, we couldn't find anything to do after dinner so we watched An American Haunting. It was quite scary and as usual I was covering my ears half of the time coz I didn't wanna scream and scare everyone else. I get startled by loud sounds, so covering my ears is a precautionary measure. LOL.. And guess what?! Zheng's cute guy was in the same cinema as us!! He sat a couple of rows behind us. Lol... I told her "It's fate." Hahahaha...And oh my god, there were 2 girls sitting beside Darrick who wouldn't stop screaming. And it wasn't just an AH! That would've been fine.. But it was an AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! People behind us were telling them to shut up. But they were screaming like nobody's business.. Stupid morons.. Are girls supposed to be cute when they scream like that??? Siao...So I spent the weekend with my aunt.. We haven't been to her house for a couple of weeks and already it was sooo dusty when we got there! I kept rubbing my eyes the whole night coz it was dusty (even after sweeping and mopping) and I had sore eyes this morning when I woke up.. Lol.. But they're fine now. Thought I could be Cyborg for a while y'know..
So we went to buy stuff for Hari Raya. Bought various cloths at Arab Street coz we usually tailor our clothes. Need to call up the tailor too coz sometimes she forgets to sew. LOL. Seriously. She's a great tailor and all but she just gets lots of orders at peak times and she forgets. Haha.. I still love you Madam Mawai!!
Anyways, OH MY GOD. I just realized that my schedule says "21 August: Start on ad campaign." Tomorrow's 21 August already?!?! So fast?! *yawns*.......... This sucks. Tomorrow's the start of weekdays Irfan's coming, and usually and ALWAYS I end up playing with him instead of doing my work.. Aiyaiyai!! But he's so cute I can't help it! Now he can grab things from my hand and he can stand in his walking trainer. And for some reason, he likes to stare at my food when I eat. Like when I'm eating crackers, he will look at my hand go into the packaging, then following my hand motion as I bring the cracker towards my mouth, and he's just gonna look at the cracker until disappears into my mouth. And then he repeats as I take another cracker! It's quite spooky, that look he gives.. Hahaha..
Anyways, I'm gonna enjoy the rest of my night watching re-runs of dramas on my laptop, since I've to start working on ad campaign tomorrow.. Oh I hate that campaign word! It just sounds so campaign! Like ugh! A lot of work!
I found a new jdrama called Tokyo Wankei.. Hope it's good!!PS: To my kuku sister, where's my korean drama dvd???? I don't want Goong, I want the other one..Found some pictures in my comp at my aunt's place:
A pic from our NZ trip. This one's taken from our van while driving through one of Auckland's roads. Beautiful picture isn't it?? I remember our hotel was near that tall sharp pointed building (the tallest building in the picture)..

Another pic from NZ trip. At this hot spring thingy.. Or was it a volcano? All I remembered was there was this big rock where we could sit on, and it helped warm our freezing asses. Cool huh! But then it got hotter and hotter and we had to stand before our freezing asses became fried asses. Btw it was pretty stinky the place. The ground released ammonia gas.

you searched with her @ 10:18 PM

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