Monday, January 29, 2007
Screw the fog.


So I'm pissed that I didn't get to ride the rides at Genting's outdoor theme park. You bloody fogging fog!! FOGG!! The indoor theme park sucks ok.. BIG TIME. Roller coaster lasted barely a minute and it wasn't even scary. Dumbass. And I swear that 3D glasses they made us wear for the motion master almost gave me myopia. And that Ferris Wheel, me and my cuzzie fell asleep riding it. It was the most gruelling 20 minutes of my life. And oh, that stupid-i-don't-know-anything Information Counter girl.

" Do you know how much is the kbox and do we need tokens or what?"

"Oh I don't know."

Hah. Very informative.


Now with the bad comes the good. Best part of the trip: Boyz II Men concert!!!!!!!!! Omg!! So cool!! I only know 3 of their songs and they sang all three! The climax of the show I think was the last part before the encore when they sang "End Of The Road". Aaaaaaaah!!!! *jumps up and down* I wish I could turn back time and go for the concert all over again!!! Amazing voices, great energy. And those ladies in front who got flowers from the guys, screw u man... I wished for that moment I could shoot all the security down and run up the stage. Ooh Ayu, violence, violence.

Oh and we had A&W during our trip back. Yummmmyyyyy... I love dogs. Coney dogs. *muack*. Heavenly. Absolutely heavenly.

Pictures up later when I get them from my sister and my cuzzie. Somebody buy me a camera please.

you searched with her @ 8:30 PM 0 comments


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