Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Tell me how to sleep


My eyes are tired, my eyes are droopy but I still can't sleep!! Ohmigod, someone please recommend me some sleep remedies. I think I'm suffering from insomnia.. Haha! Although I hate saying this coz it sounds like some terminal disease, for whatever reason.. Lol..

Went shopping today, bought Levi's jeans. Long jeans! Can u believe it?!?! Long jeans! If you know me, I NEVER NEVER NEVER wear long jeans. I'm always in 3/4s! Well I have a couple of long jeans but I wear them folded! Hahahaha... I dunno why, maybe I like to show off my ankles (weird) maybe I like some wind on my legs (weird), or maybe I'm just prepared in case of a flood.

I miss my NYP canteen. Gonna go back there with Jen some day and have our lunch there.. Darn I miss it!!


Tell me how to shut my eyes
Tell me how to shut my mind
Tell me how to shut the sounds
And all the troubles all around

It's making me queasy
It's getting me dizzy

Why can't I just sleep..
Into the darkness so deep
Is it so much trouble
To be asleep and settled

Should I sing my ABCs
Or count my nursery sheeps
Maybe count the stars on my ceiling
Or play my piano like its keys are calling

I just keep writing
Now my eyes feel heavy
The world is closing in
Finally darkness is seeping in......

:. © Ayu .:

you searched with her @ 12:26 AM 3 comments


At 2:16 PM, Blogger Spidey said...

U ceRtainLy wRite weLL wHeN it comEs 2 sLeep ... n mayb wRiting is tHe waY 2 put u 2 sLeep, bY joLting aLL uR thots so u don't ve 2 thinK abt them whiLe u fReeLy sLeep! (",)

At 1:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


omg...that has to be the saddest crap i've ever read in my whole life. ya know.. My little sister can write a trillion times better than you can.. and she's only 9.

At 1:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


omg...that has to be the saddest crap i've ever read in my whole life. ya know.. My little sister can write a trillion times better than you can.. and she's only 9.


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