Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Coming home sooon!!!


First and foremost, oh my god I miss everyone back home!!! *cries*

An sms from my Dad almost made me cry and laugh at the same time. "Hello how are you? It's been almost a month.. Come home come home come home..."

And I love my sister coz she bought me a Tiffany's bracelet for my graduation present.

And I love my aunt coz she's bringing me for dinner at Hyatt's when I get back home.

And I can't wait to pass Liza her John Legend dvd and see the joy on her face.

And I can't wait to meet Yuanyan and Jennifer and pass them souvenirs and go watch a movie and drink coffee and catch up with one another's lives.

And I miss my koochie koochie nephew.

And my koochie koochie cat.

It's 1.15am now and I'm gonna cry myself to sleep. Bye.

Maybe I'll find some tinge of joy tomorrow when I go for my L.A City tour. I'm too broke for anymore shopping. Just sightseeing. Hollywood, Rodeo Drive, Venice Beach, Beverly Hills, here I come.

Cutesy Fanfan videos. It's only been a month but I feel like I've missed out on a lot.

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