Thursday, February 07, 2008


Yay I got my laptop back. HP 3-days express service is the best... They changed my LCD screen and did a thorough check and changed the usb port too. I missed my laptop. I missed my Internet. All I did the past 2 days was read, eat, and sleep. I read until I couldn't read no more. My eyes went blurry and the words started to jump and dance in front of me.

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu to Liza for accompanying me!! OMG!! I always give her last minute sms-es and she entertains me! LOL... Kamsahamnida, sarang haeyo.

We went to watch Sweeney Todd after that. OMG the ending!!!!! I felt like cutting everyone's throats after the ending. IT SUCKED. The story was going so well and then the ending just... *grrrraaaawwwwwwrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Cineleisure was infested with mats and minahs. Omg dear Jackies, I saw tranny!!! *puke puke* She was squatting at some corner with her friends. LOL.. So emoooooo.

Went off to Lido for the movie instead. Ah.... a much nicer, quieter and cooler environment. This is where all the cool people should be. Hahahahahha...

you searched with her @ 3:50 AM 0 comments


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