Sunday, March 01, 2009
why are days so long and ends so short?


Saturday has ended.

OMGGG why are the days moving on so quickly? Yesterday I was looking forward to today, and today I'm not looking forward to tomorrow because tomorrow I would be dreading the day after. Aish......

It'll be a home day tomorrow. Coz I have my Special Report article to complete and I HOPE I can complete the "Clients" section of our website. Looking good so far. Why do I and Emily have to be website people? Coz nobody else will. Hahahaha... Gambatte ne Emily-san!!!

Went to Max Brenner just now. Again. Passed the newsletter samples to Mr Koh, hoping he'll let us distribute. By the way, Max Brenner's fondue rocks. Woo hoo hoo!! Strawberries and chocolate dipping are awesome shit.

So Friday was pretty horrible in the afternoon. Went for a meeting with 211 Roof Terrace. Took Bus 5 to town and got down at Far East. Looked at the bus map and realized there were no buses that goes to Holland V. So Miss No-Direction queued the long queue for a cab, got a cab, and zoomed off to Holland V. Then, the usual cab nauseousness got to me. I felt restless and tired and pukey. And my head was spinning in circles. Thank god I somehow survived my meeting with 211. Walked out of Holland Road Shopping Centre in a daze. Took a bus to Plaza Sing, got down the bus and looked around, stared at the sky, looked around some more, and cursed my head. 2 1/2 hours more to piano class. Desperately looked around for a place to rest my head and sleep. I was so desperate that I ended up at the movie ticketing booth and wanted to buy a ticket so I could sleep in the theatre. Got turned off by noisy children. Went up and down the escalator a few times, ended up at Gelare. Sat on their massively comfortable chair and realized my headache was dissipating. So I ordered a Frutti Tutti waffle ice-cream.

Headache was gone.. .. ...... . . ...... . ..

Met up with Jackies after piano and had dinner at 99cents sushi place. Well THEY had dinner. I felt full from god-knows-what. Went to Timbre @ Old School afterwards. It was nice up until the band started playing. Music was unhappening and put me to sleep. Felt drowsy and sleepy from fruit-punch-with-a-fancy-name-like-Shirley-Temple. Then we went to pick up Laurence and went to Mount Faber. Nice view on the way up. But we sat in front of a bunch of trees. Hahahha... Laurence brought leftover pizza from work. Yummmy... Gobbled up 3 slices. Only. -_^

Me and Fanfan. Note his unchanged face after 3 years. Hahahaa...

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