Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Koh Pi Been

I feel like a nomad.

I can never ever do proper work at home, so one day I'm at Starbucks with Trevor, and another day I'm at Coffee Bean by myself. And then other days I TRY to work at home, and I end up doing everything BUT work. Hahahaha.. I'm hopeless am I not?

And then there's this weird girl from a japanese publication who interviewed me sometime last year for a writing job. One year later, she calls me all of a sudden and was all like "Oh I saw you at town the other day! How are you??? We should meet up and catch up!" I'm like "Err... okaaaay.." You see I've gotten wary of people like these coz I've had friends who basically ignore your existence and all of a sudden wants to meet up for no reason other than selling you something. Well you guessed it, insurance.

So this weird girl after numerous unanswered calls called again for the upteenth time and I finally decided to meet just to get her to.... you know, not call again. And she gave me a weird address. Some building and some unit. So dear old Trevor to the rescue, did a little research amongst his network and we finally found out that she was working for some insurance company.

Man... Seriously. These people.

I know it's a job and all that, but I think people turn sort of annoying as a result of it. Almost.... evil. They forge closeness and "Oh I haven't seen you in a while!" and "How are you? We should meet up!" and all that hoo-ha, when in the end they don't give a flying rat's ass what or how you're doing but they just want to sell their insurance. Yeah whatever.

On a different note altogether, this place kinda smells. Maybe coz of the food exhibition they're having outside.

I haven't got my pay by the way. Amazing huh?

you searched with her @ 12:35 PM 0 comments


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