Saturday, June 17, 2006
Hit-and-run S.O.Bs
ALoha!So, some too-blind-to-see-what's-in-front moron runs over some poor jogger. And the bloody s.o.b driver still has the cheek to run off!!!!!!!!!! What's wrong with him?! I hope his guilty conscience eats him up and haunt him and drive him to his own suicide. Something is really wrong here... How can someone with a sane mind hit someone and then just ignoringly speeds off like nothing happened?? The damn driver should've at least called the ambulance. AT LEAST called the ambulance. Hell he should've just stopped and helped!!! I'm really pissed off at these kind of people.. People who commit mistakes and then pretend nothing happened. It would've been ok if it was an ant or a snail.. But it's a human dammit!! Someone's son died because of your stupid cross-eyed driving skills... And you just get away scot-free? How would you like it if I hit YOUR son and then speed off?? WOULD YOU LIKE THAT?? How would it feel to suddenly hear news of your son's death? Your son who was supposed to be jogging and supposed to come back for dinner. Burying your son instead of your son burying you. Looking at your son's face in the coffin and agonizing at the fact that some bastard is the cause of your son's death.Bloody asshole.. If you're reading this, I hope you die farker! Just go kill yourself.
you searched with her @ 9:09 PM

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